Chloë Joan López

So I just wanted to say

I had a dream where I came to, and what? my eye was swollen shut. Why was my eye swollen shut? Apparently I'd been sick, and both my eye and my knee (both on my left side--must think about that) had been replaced with artificial ones. Well, my knee was artificial, which fascinated me muchly, but my eye was just an empty socket. They gave me a glass one, which was nice of them. My eye was too swollen at first to get it in, so I played with it for a while. I ended up accidentally chipping it on my canine tooth. (I don't know; maybe it looked like a gumball?) But anyways, apparently the smoothness of its surface really mattered a lot where the comfort of the thing is concerned. It stung quite a bit, yes, and i was sure i'd ripped some ocular muscle or other to shreds.

The disease I had was apparently spread by certain kinds of sushi, and much to my dismay I found that I had not been cured, that my body was beginning to disintegrate the way sushi of the highest quality does. I ultimately melted into a mound of grainy yellow mush. The culprit sushi in my case I recall as a rather large filet of faint pink, lined with red. red snapper i guess. SNAP!

I think this period, this period is the privation period. I will try to attain holiness by shrugging of the cares of mere mortals. Purgation! Not privation. Maybe both. I found my attention heightened today, is why.