Chloë Joan López

Vegetal Town appears to be overheating. I suppose this is the way of things here. All the sidewalks, streets and building seem threatening to burst with grass, trees and weeds at any given moment. Well, they always seem that way, but today they seemed redoubled. In this regard.

I also am overheating, since I am sick once again. Maybe that's my problem: I can only update when I'm sick. The little bit of fire it takes to get things going is otherwise absent? Charred water, anyone?

I need more fire, more salamander's gone away.

Aside from the greenery, I really don't think there's very much here that's alive. I've met count them zero divinities. I think it's time to go spelunking.

It occurs to me that my entries are post-dated. I'll try to do something about that.