Let me see if I still remember how to do this.
"Revifify" has to be one of the dumbest words in the English language. This doesn't prevent me from encountering it in my studies, however.
So I suppose if anyone is still reading at all, I should explain a few things. First of all, thanks for playing.
Secondly, the Goop Factory is history. Well, it continues, but without me.
Thirdly, I did not ultimately decide to study with Mr. S. Oh yes, it's that I am studying once again. I am instead studying with Mr. M. Oh these writers with their funny names! So yes I am studying writing with writers. Enough with that Goop Factory making indeterminate goop for an indeterminate good.
I am living far from my cathedral. I am in a new town, a swampy, vegetal town. I pretty much hate it here.
But I'm getting writing done, and I'm kickstarting this thing, so there you have it.